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MAY 10 | State of the South webinar: Inequitable Burden of Student Debt on Southerners | May 10, 2023

College degrees have become increasingly necessary to attain work, while the cost of postsecondary education continues to be burdensome. In addition to the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to provide student debt relief, there are several alternative ways borrowers can access relief through programs like Income-Driven Repayment or Public Service Loan Forgiveness. This information can be confusing to many people, even those eligible to have their debt lessened. In this webinar, MDC will outline the harmful impacts of student debt on the South and some policies available to reduce student debt.

During the webinar, we talked about how MDC is creating and supporting the North Carolina Student Debt Relief Coalition and how stakeholders could sponsor similar coalitions in other Southern states. For more information, please click on this link: One-Pager About the North Carolina Student Debt Relief Coalition. If you and your organization are interested in joining the North Carolina Coalition, please click on this link to complete a short form and we will follow up with you: Short Form to Indicate Interest in Participating in the North Carolina Student Debt Relief Coalition. If you and your organization are interested in sponsoring a similar coalition in another Southern state, please click on this link to complete a short form and we will follow up with you: Short Form to Indicate Interest in Sponsoring a Student Debt Relief Coalition in your state. You are also welcome to share these links with other people and organizations

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